Buffalo, NY area Pharmacies, Pharmacists and Pharmacy Techs acting as prescribing Physicians

3 years ago

Pharmacies, Pharmacists and Pharm Techs in the Greater Buffalo area are acting as physicians and prescribing medical professionals. We here at The Experience Media have received dozens of reports sharing stories of individuals being told their scripts for prescriptions would not be filled. We here ask you to think if you can ever recall a time where this has happened. Even Doctors and Physicians are not being allowed to have their scripts filled when they go to area Pharmacies.

Pharmacists and Pharmacy Techs are even being so bold and brazen as to tell customers that they should not be getting the prescriptions their doctor prescribed them. They are adding that they should be instead getting an injection. This means they are acting as medical physicians and making medical recommendations without the proper credentials. This is a felony in this state. Furthermore, it is medical negligence and malpractice for a pharmacy to allow their employees to engage in this process, especially given the fact that two out of the three injections they are recommending are still listed as unapproved experimental medical procedures, and the third is being reported that it is in fact not approved either. Engaging in these practices are felonies, and every pharmacist, pharmacy tech and even every pharmacy employees knowingly promoting or allowing this practice, are all subject to criminal investigation and arrest.

Why would our members of the legal and law enforcement community not be investigating everyone of these incidents? Afterall, they are very serious charges, that they have in the past enforced to the fullest extent, and taken extremely seriously.

If you have been discriminated against by a local pharmacy, pharmacist or pharmacy tech, or if you have been victimized by one in the manner described above, we want to hear and share your story. Please contact us here at The Experience Media, and we will do everything we can to help you and put you in contact with lawyers and officials that can help you receive the justice you deserve, both civilly and criminally.

Here at The Experience Media, we are always trying to ask you the questions to get your self to ask the questions, so that you can look into these issues, and start to do your own research and investigations.

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