Young man from Wisconsin found innocent on all charges

2 years ago

Friday, 11.19.2021 a young man who was attacked not just by a mob of rioters, but politicians, our Department of Justice, all of Hollywood, main stream media outlets and a host of all kinds of other people was found innocent of all charges. This ended an ordeal this man should have never had to endure. It also puts to rest him being targeted by law enforcement and the DA's office.

Throughout this process, entertainers, athletes, news media outlets, communists, socialist, far left extremists, politicians and members of our government all decided to make utterly false and baseless accusations of this man. From the beginning they recklessly and irresponsibly labeled him a white supremacist and domestic terrorist simply because he is a white man. None of these people not only did not know this man, but they also completely misrepresented the facts of his case specifically, and who was involved. There was a large percentage of individuals in this country, and across the world that thought this man had shot three black people. This was not a mistake. This was intentional by the extreme leftists, socialists and communists.

You see, these people don't care about facts or what the truth is. They only care about pushing lies and false narratives to drive a wedge of division in as much of the country as they possibly can in order to keep us preoccupied and distracted from what is actually happening, and what they are doing to us.These people on all sides of the political spectrum were very upset once they discovered how they had been completely misled by so many. Realizing that was the intention was a wake up call for so many as to what the far lefts tactics are, as well as their motives.

The lies these people perpetrated on this innocent young man, and that they are continue to fuel is reprehensible. These people have no concern for the safety of this man, and by their actions are proving they are completely intolerant. They have called for harm on this young man and the town the trial was held in. They have also worked hard to support new attacks on this and other towns. How is that acceptable to anyone? How is it the FBI is not investigating or charging and arresting these people? It was these very same people who excused the very riots and looting that lead to this unfortunate set of circumstances that resulted in what it did that fateful evening.

Kenosha is a city of approximately 100,000. By comparison, the city of Rochester has approximately 200,000 people and the Town of Amherst about 40,000. Rioters and looters had held Kenosha, Wisconsin under terrorist and hostage siege for two days prior to this individual coming to the city to try and assist. This mob, as described by local law enforcement, was like an army at war, dead set on destroying as much of the city as possible. Much like Antifa had done to cities and towns all over the country, occupying them and destroying untold billions of property and terrorizing innocent residents for months in 2020.

People all across the country ask how and why the Kenosha Mayor could allow this to happen. How could the Kenosha police department allow this to happen? How could the town allow this to happen? Why was the state National Guard called in to assist? For three days their city of 100,000 people had been attacked and preyed upon, by an angry mob of looters and rioters, most of which were not even from the Kenosha area, and a lot of whom were comprised of individuals who had just been released from jail not more than days prior to the onslaught.

There were untold tens of millions of dollars of property loss. You had guns being fired by Antifa and this army for days. You had business, homes, people, vehicles and personal property being attacked and burned for days. Imagine if you will, living in those circumstances. Imagine how the senior population, children and women of this community were feeling. Imagine the utter terror they were experiencing. The outright fear. The inability to go out of their homes to do things like shop for food, visit loved ones or pick up necessary medical items to survive.

What was allowed to happen in Kenosha is what politicians, the media and government officials allowed to take place in the Summer of Terror of 2020. They not only stood by as it all happened, but they were overwhelmingly the ones responsible for celebrating and covering the attacks. The mayor of Seattle even calling a terrorist occupied autonomous zone a "summer of love". All of these people should be investigate by attorney generals, Home Land Security, the US Marshall's and the FBI for their roles in allowing our cities to be held hostage and terrorized, resulting in all kinds of loss that was totally avoidable.

Our prayers to those individuals who lost their lives that night, as well as to their families. Our prayers that we all hold these people who played a role responsible. Our prayers to this man to win every one of his civil suits against these people.

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