3 years ago


Monday morning roundup. Discussion of New World order in gangstalking. Zach Caudill I got your 6. IGY6.
Based on Google Trends data, the term “gang stalking” began appearing among online searches circa 2005. Coincidentally or not, that was during the post-9/11 expansion of America’s national security state activities, which included illegal domestic mass surveillance by the NSA, the use of torture at black site prisons by the CIA, the militarization of police departments, etc. In any case, an extensive review of relevant published news reports and other information suggests that the term “gang stalking” – and most, but not all, online references to it – is disinformation from the U.S. intelligence community, intended to obfuscate the nature of a set of real tactics sometimes referred to in the security industry as “disruption” operations – as in, disruption of the life of an individual targeted by public and/or private security operatives. It has nothing to do with criminal gangs – that’s the disinformation part. It does involve stalking though – intense, long-term surveillance and harassment, involving varying levels of criminality.

Most famously, the methods were used by communist East Germany’s Stasi (state police), who referred to the strategy as Zersetzung (German for “decomposition” or “corrosion” – a reference to the severe psychological, social, and financial effects upon the victim). Some self-proclaimed victims have described the process as “no-touch torture” – because the tactics generate minimal forensic evidence.

Tactics include – but are not limited to – slander, blacklisting, “mobbing” (intense, organized harassment in the workplace), “black bag jobs” (residential break-ins), abusive phone calls, computer hacking, framing, threats, blackmail, vandalism, “street theater” (staged physical and verbal interactions with minions of the people who orchestrate the stalking), harassment by noises, and other forms of bullying. In some cases, the harassment escalates to physical violence.

Enormous powers are wielded in the U.S. by entities regarding which the public’s knowledge and influence are often minimal. Collectively, these entities – especially intelligence agencies, wealthy corporations, and the criminal underworld – are sometimes referred to as the “deep state.”


Theodore Roosevelt on the deep state

Theodore Roosevelt (U.S. President from 1901 to 1909), said this in an August 1912 speech:

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”

# anonymous #iamone #IGY6

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