3 years ago

This young MARINE was severely wounded at the age of just 19 during the August 26, 2021 suicide bombing by the TALIBAN. Shrapnel penetrated all parts of her body leaving her in a critical condition and paralyzed.

The photographs reveal the extent of the damage done to her young body caused by a TALIBAN suicide bomb and the support her family and indeed the entire world have provided to her long recovery.

The damage was horrific and she faces years of pain medications, rehabilitation, physical therapy and mood swings.

Her positive attitude as reflected in the journal entries by her, her Mother, her Father and her Aunt will sustain her throughout the rest of her life.

Read the updates by herself, her Mother and Father and others and view the photos of the young MARINE "HELL CAT" KELSEE LAINHART.

There is a link to the updates at the end of this video.

It is now completed and will be updated continuously going backwards in time.

The photos and her Mom and Dad's comments as well as hers will tell you what it means to be in combat and DAMNED near get KILLED by the TALIBAN.

The present political climate in our country and those in the current administration are directly responsible for her wounds and 17 other members of our military and the senseless deaths of 13 other service members on that day.

We all have to stand up and fight this asinine administration to set military policies right.

Links To Her Story:

Her "CARING BRIDGE" account where updates are posted by her family can be viewed at:

You can help with the costs that the Military and Veterans Administration will not cover for her recovery and her future by donating to her GoFundMe page at:

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