Dr. Robert Maone: Veteran scientists discuss the mistakes the FDA has made regarding shot

2 years ago

In this extraordinary panel, even scientists who are trying to talk about the risk of vaccines have been subject to the smear campaign of the mainstream media.
Question: I think in the panel, we all agree in the relation that making the vaccine mandatory is unethical. Here is the question, which vaccine was suspended does this vaccine represent a greater risk than benefits.
None of the vaccines were suspended, astrazeneca experienced a transitory suspension due to thrombotic events, but it was reinstated.
You’re not supposed to just make a ratio of all COVID-19 events across all age brackets where you make the top number the total number adverse events divided by the number of cases. That is junk science. One must adjust for quality of life years, this is the same method life insurance industry uses. You recognize that a child could lose decades and decades of life if they are damaged subsequently there is less concern for an elderly patient because they have less years. There is an adjustment factor that is applied to children. This is the way it has been done in the past, but for some reason what is being done now is to apportion the risk across the ENTIRE population even though it is merely only happening to elderly or immunocompromised people. And the media is enforcing this fact of applying this data over all age groups, but that should not be happening. Vaccine acceptance should NOT be based on these calculations. For 65 years and older and morbidly obese it makes sense to administer vaccine BUT NOT FOR EVERYBODY. This is the way one should responsible make decisions. You need to make decisions based on quality of life risk. SO WHY ISN’T THIS BEING DONE. WHY THIS INSISTENCE ON JABS FOR EVERYBODY? That is beyond their scope says Dr. Robert Malone, so he is implying that there is malfeasance.
We don’t know the inner workings of the FDA and the CDC. On August 23rd, the FDA had approved the Pfizer vaccine. Do you think that Emergency Authorization cannot be retained if there are alternative treatments especially with Pfizer’s rolling out of a oral treatment with Merck? Maybe this explains the resistance to ivermectin and the resistance to hydroxychloroquine. What does this mean? The FDA does not feel that it is bound by the law so they are contradictory on purpose for financial gains. The FDA does not feel that it is bound by statutory law. Also, the justice department ruled that the FDA is not bound by Common Rule. So we’re left wondering personally, can the FDA be held accountable for their actions? Dr. Robert Malone believes the primary driver was the push to mandate vaccination, so the administration thought if they were granted FDA approval back in August then they thought they could get away with the mandates. Remember, they split Pfizer into 2 products and approved Comirnaty which is NOT AVAILABLE IN THE UNITED STATES and they did this in order to escape legal liability. Let me repeat this very important point, there is a full approval of a COVID-19 vaccine that NO AMERICAN CAN OBTAIN AT THIS POINT IN TIME. The bottom line of autonomy that the FDA has reached and clearly they are compromised. This story of the adolescent cardiotoxicity is a fascinating illustration of what is going on and we were only able to detect this signal because children don’t have heart conditions. What these pharmaceutical monsters have done is mask cardiovascular events, but they can’t mask cardiovascular events in children because there is still a small number of cases on top of a ‘zero’. Unfortunately, when you get older, it is normal to have heart problems but even todays it is starting to be revealed that there is a clear signal of events for people up to age 30 who have taken the vaccine. And what happened to Novavax? Also it seems that the adenovirus seems to be producing spike protein for a longer period of time. So what do the scientists say when confronted with the fact that 13,000 deaths have been reported on VAERS. Listen to the reaction to the audience when Tiego says, “Causality does not necessarily mean causation”. The groans of the audience tell you one thing that people are not fooled and they are starting to wake up. One of the sad things that has happened in the rush to deploy these things, we did things in retrospect that we shouldn’t have been done. Another thing that wasn’t done was that the FDA had the authority to do rigorous tracing of adverse events and for some reason the FDA chose to not do this. The vaccine developers were not asked to do anything and the FDA believed it was an article of faith and they believed their surveillance systems would be adequate to detect adverse events. Not only did they fail, but they failed to get the vaccine companies to do the job and we don’t have the data.
Stu Peters Show: The vaccines are an intentionally released bioweapon, don’t give these shots to children!
The FDA has given the green light to jab 5-11 year olds, and by March we will have 6 month old babies to 2 year old babies to get the shot. For many months now, we have community jab centers and whats happening now is small health care practitioners coming together to create children vaccine clinics in exchange for the health and life of your babies. Got a source from Kentucky that is showing that a doctor James Kyle Turnbo who have a PSA announcement and they just came out that they are going to start tomorrow on their very special child clinic. They are signing up hundreds of hundreds of 5 year olds to get the jab and it gets deeper because this guy is connected to the department of defense and the department of homeland security. And it doesn’t end there, this is a nationwide problem because they keep pushing this on children. By the time people figure this out in a year or so, there will be parents committing suicide over what they have done to their children. Don’t you see what it is doing to 12-17 year olds? What do you think is going to happen. These doctors that are double dipping and jabbing these kids and they are going to be able to do it with impunity. Use your common sense, in the eastern tennesse, these can protect kids from COVID-19 and then they say that you can still get reinfected. Hold off, stop

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