British man reunites with his mother who moved to Australia after being apart for TWO YEARS

2 years ago

This is the emotional moment a British man is finally reunited with his mother after Covid travel restrictions kept them apart for TWO YEARS.

Ciaran Joyce, 34 had not seen his mum Hayley Gibbs, 56, since 2019 when she left the UK to live in Australia.

Sadly the pandemic then struck and subsequent travel restrictions would mean that she would be unable to return to the UK.

However, with the help of loved ones the pair were reunited when Hayley flew into the UK as Australia relaxed travel restrictions.

In this video, Ciaran is filmed at his local pub in London with his girlfriend Lucy sporting a moustache that he had grown out for Movember.

Lucy had led him there under the pretence of having a meal with her and her mother but was aware that Hayley had landed in London earlier that morning and was about to make an entrance.

Ciaran, sporting a moustache that he had grown out for Movember, spots his mom from across the pub.

He takes a moment to react with disbelief before leaping to his feet and sprinting into her arms to enjoy a huge hug during the emotional reunion on November 14.

Ciaran, an actor and Movember Activist from London said:" I was taken to the pub by my girlfriend, Lucy expecting to catch up with her mother.

"My mum had landed in London that morning without my knowledge and she and Lucy had arranged the surprise that week.”

“My mind went blank.

"It felt like me and my mum were the only two people on earth at that moment.”

“The pandemic has caused so many people to be stranded from loved ones for so long. The fact so many have taken comfort, joy and shared their stories in the comments section shows just how much people can miss one another. It has been a bit humbling to be honest.”

Ciaran said: “I sadly lost a dear friend to suicide and have had battles with mental health myself. I know how difficult and scary it can be to open up to others about.

"I want to raise awareness and money for organisations like Movember to prevent or help others going through the same thing and help them navigate the choppier waters of life.”

Those who wish to follow and support Ciaran’s Movember campaign can do so at the following:

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