Thousands of rocks were transformed into giant artwork showing couple sheltering from rain storm

2 years ago

Thousands of rocks which emerged at low tide were temporarily transformed into a giant romantic artwork showing a young couple sheltering from a storm.

Beach artist Claire Eason spent two hours painstakingly carving the 100ft-long figures using a garden rake before her efforts were washed away by the tide.

She created the eye-catching artwork after becoming inspired by the rock formations on Beadnell Bay, in Northumberland.

The tens of thousands of rocks were only visible for a few hours at low-tide when Claire, 57, set to work.

Claire, who took up beach art after retiring from a career as a GP, said: “I was walking along the beach and was struck by how many couples there were.

“I wanted to do something to celebrate the rock pools and formations on the beach which are only ever seen at lowtide.

“I finished it just in time because the man’s shoes were just a few feet away from the tide.

“The image lasted just a few minutes before being washed away but that is part of the romance of drawing on the sand, it’s always fleeting.”

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