3 years ago

On November 20th EST the Lazarus Initiative's monthly symposium always offers a free bonus section. This on feature Bill Homann with his Crystal Skull and Sacha Stone who interviews the founders of Roots.
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Don't forget friends - light wins in this epic galactic human saga! Through the ages as humanity has faced extinction we have risen to the occasion - we are the creators, the inventors, the genuines - the dark side can only stick to cheap imitations. There is help! You can take concrete steps to start to heal yourself and those you love. In the worst case scenario that you or family members were pressured to take the injection or suffer from the toxic EMF poisoning, there are remedies and tools that I am - for the first time - supporting and recommending. Most critical at the moment are the miraculous blood clearing and re-crystalizing solution by my friend Dr. Christia Rahm and Clayton Thomas at ROOT Brands, and the protections from electromagnetic attacks by the devoted family behind Swiss-German Memon Global EMF remediation. I am humbled and hopeful about their work and encourage you to read about what they are managing to do to heal our blood at and protect us from being microwaved at


All members of the ROOT Community must adhere to our strict company guidelines, and refrain from making medical claims or providing medical advice in conjunction with ROOT Wellness and any of our products, either verbally or in print. As a reminder, we are posting the FDA guideline below.

The information provided is for educational purposes and is not intended as medical advice or a substitute for the medical advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. You should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice or information about diagnosis and treatment. The information in this presentation has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body.

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