Underground tunnels D.U.M.B.S by Gene Decode: 35927 children were rescued

3 years ago

Pay attention at min 34
DUMBS Update, Gene Decode: “Massive take-down underneath Iran. Afghanistan, there are still tunnels taking out, for the Deep State rats still want to control the farming, for drug production are being taken care of. They are taking out Deeper areas in and around Miramar. There are a lot of negative explosions in the air in U.S. and Canada, for this is the stealth anti-gravity blown up in the air trying to leave Earth. Washington State ships being taken out. Taking things down in Italy. The Alliance is working very, very hard to take out DUMB’s worldwide.”

35927 children were rescued ( they were in cages) from 1 facility.


The latest evidence and research are proving Covid 19, “Spike Proteins” are bioweapons created in labs funded by billionaire eugenicists designed for depopulation. Much of this was done using taxpayer’s money funding gain of function research through the N.I.H. directed by Dr. Fauci and friends who have made billions at humanity’s expense. The clot or kill shot putting those who receive it on a timer is the second, of a two-part system. The end goal of the global elite and the CCP is to remove 13 out of 14 people, over 90% from the planet. They have made this undeniable clear in their manifestos, masonic publications and it is written in stone, Georgia Guidestones.

Lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates are all part of a global plan to force compliance, test resistance to giving up freedoms, destroy economies, small businesses, enslave and create abject poverty and dependence. These are all unlawful acts going against the constitution and Nuremberg codes along with other laws and global agreements. Universities and Labs participating in the gain of function, bio weapon research and those who funded them have already broken a law that results in life imprisonment. Forcing the military, first responders, police, firefighters, doctors and nurses to be vaccinated with an experimental gene therapy, a witch’s brew of toxins and carcinogens, “Read the ingredients” are tactics directly responsible for destroying the economic, physical health, safety and well-being of society.


Bio Weapons For Babies: Profits High For Killing 5 Year Olds.
International Child Sex Trafficking

Ottawa: Pope Francis has postponed his planned visit to Canada because of opposition from Canadian Catholic Bishops, according to a source within the church. Last Monday, November 15, at a closed meeting in Ottawa, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) voted to postpone issuing an invitation to Pope Francis until the new year “to better assess the risks associated with the Pontiff’s appearance in Canada in response to threats of arrest made against him”. The Bishops also imposed a media blackout on the issue.

On November 1, an arrest order was issued against Francis by the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ), the body that forced his predecessor, Pope Benedict, from office on February 11, 2013. This order was followed by a “banning order” issued by elders of ten indigenous nations in Canada that prevents Francis from entering their territories, which encompass most of Canada. (http://murderbydecree.com/2021/11/06/breaking-news-saturday-november-6-2021-pope-barred-from-canada-by-indigenous-nations-native-elders-and-peacekeepers-will-aid-in-his-arrest/)

News Highlights for Fri. 19 Nov. 2021:

* Pope Francis has postponed his visit to Canada because of an arrest warrant against him from the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. Sworn affidavits implicated Pope Francis Jorge Bergoglio in the ritual harming of children and in the death of witnesses to his involvement in the trafficking of children for the Argentine military junta during their “dirty wars” of the 1980’s.

* The White House Refuses to Change Biden’s Mandate Policy Even After a Court Orders OSHA To Halt Implementation of the Vaccine Mandate.

* Former FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum claimed tha
t the Corona PCR “test” was not a test at all, but was implanting a microchip in peoples of the globe as part of the New World Order Agenda.

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