Malachi 3:16 Night - Proverbs 10:1-11

2 years ago

Proverbs chapter 10 1-11
There is so much power in the book of Proverbs! There is wisdom beyond comprehension!
Jesus is the Living Word and He shows up in mighty ways... All we have to do is come faithfully to Him. Matthew 6:33; Know Him, Know that He knows you.... and Honor Him
Jeremiah 9:23-24 Come to Him and He will draw closer to you! Malachi 3:16 nights.
Come Holy Spirit! Have Your way!

Thursdays at 8pm
God knows my heart for outreach. During Covid I drew closer to God and then He put this YouTube channel on this grandmother's heart. My aim to be used, to be His vessel; (letting Him flow through me) Then the clock that doesn't work moved and the next day it was on 12:06... five minutes off from Revelation 12:11 which is one of the scripture verses He put on my heart and Phil 3:13 and Malachi 3:16 was foremost. So in obedience, just sharing the Word and experiences and hopefully a heart is touched, a life is changed and God is seen and in Him another whosoever is found. God can make a way.. when you seek first the Kingdom of God... all these blessings unfold and overtake you.

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