luciferase is contained in each of the vaccines - hundreds of patents

3 years ago

luciferase is contained in each of the patents related to the vaccines - those very close to the vaccine and those distant to the workings of the technology that will make up the vaccine/biometric/cryptocurrency/track and trace systems.

Do you want the name of humankind's enemy in your bloodstream to go along with lucifer's re-writing of your DNA using CRISP-CAS9 gene-editing technology?

The enemy's plan has always been to WRITE-OUT God's stamp of sovereignty and life inside of us.

lucifer's demonic plan is to MARK HUMANS as his property and possession before killing the most number of humans possible, for the re-set, and on the way to setting up his nightmare prototype society under himself as ruler of the earth.

This pig has no respect for humans and deems himself to be GOD when he has no claim whatsoever to any deity.

He is a created twisted-being with hatred to humanity.

lucifer lies, deceives, steals and destroys and is taking many to hell with him. lucifer has NO DOMINION and has perjured himself, thus has NO STANDING and his government is illegitimate and unconstitutional; he has nothing to offer except the losing of your soul if you submit to him or pledge allegiance to the demonically-controlled Beast system, that is choosing to robotize you to its luciferic all-freedoms-destroying system.

Wake up your friends and family to the deceptions quickly as he is moving fast, and he knows his time is short.

luciferase is a bio-luminescent for track-and-tracing human beings, human functions and all aspects of human activities, including eating, sleeping, worshiping, procreation.

The patents also show 93% graphene, a key ingredient in the shot. On a molecular level it is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in 2 dimensional honeycomb lattice. Each honeycomb consists of 6 carbon atoms. Carbon is number 6 on the periodic table because it has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. You literally cannot get any more 6’s out of a chemistry set than you can with graphene.
Mark of the beast? You decide.

Those who defend the vaccine, take the vaccine.
Those who defend the mark, take the mark.

Resist the Beast System. Resist the Mark and its infrastructure.

PCR tests are also coated with nano-particle polymer magnets and luciferase.

That’s why lucifer is called the Great Deceiver. Only the great deceiver can significantly deceive most of humanity.

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