Human Capital - Episode 2: Inside the Planned Parenthood Supply Site

2 years ago

Human Capital - Episode 2: Inside the Planned Parenthood Supply Site

The “Human Capital” Documentary Web Series Is Produced by The Center for Medical Progress and Integrates Expert Interviews, Eyewitness Accounts, And Real-life Undercover Interactions to Tell the Story of Planned Parenthood’s Commercial Exploitation of Aborted Fetal Tissue.

The Series Follows the Personal Narrative of Holly O’Donnell, A Former Blood and Tissue Procurement Technician for StemExpress, A Start-up Biotech Company from Northern California That Partners with Planned Parenthood Clinics to Purchase Their Aborted Fetus Parts and Resell Them for Scientific Experimentation. As A Procurement Tech, O’Donnell’s Job Was to Identify Pregnant Patients Matching the Specifications of StemExpress Customers and To Harvest the Fetal Body Parts from Their Abortions.

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