Nominee to be Comptroller of the Currency, Promotes the Great Reset

3 years ago

Nominee to be Comptroller of the Currency, Promotes the Great Reset

Nov. 18, 2021

Senator Tim Scott questioning Dr. Saule T. Omarova as Joe Biden's nominee to be Comptroller of the Currency, during a Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs hearing.

She wants to Nationalize the banks and there would be no private banks anymore. Just the Federal Reserve Bank would be in charge of your money.

Saule T. Omarova is promoting the ideas of the "Great Reset." She has been accused by some as being a communist. It's actually, "Authoritarian Capitalism" and "Totalitarian Capitalism." It has zero to do with communism. Calling her a communist is being used as a distraction and a way to change the narrative on this creation of the "Great Reset" that has been promoted by Joe Biden, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and many, many others.

The Great Reset is the name of the 50th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, held in June 2020. Using a "pandemic" to justify the Great Reset, which is coincidentally happening as the collapsing of the US dollar is taking place.

What happens when capitalism collapses and fails? It appears that it get re-named, socialism or communism. Not corrupt capitalism, Authoritarian capitalism or Totalitarian capitalism. The "theory" of capitalism isn't the same as the "reality" of capitalism.

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