The Mysterious World of Volcanic Caves in 3D

2 years ago

Mysterious volcanic caves (lava tubes) are like the skeleton of the Hawaiian islands - they give volcanoes their shield-like shape by acting like pipes to transport lava from its source (volcanoes) to the ocean. Where lava tubes go, new land is formed. What do they look like? How are they formed? What can we learn from them? Long-time photographers, Peter and Ann Bosted, have been permitted to survey and photograph some of these amazing places. Join us as they share their stunning 3D photos. Thanks to 3D, you will feel that you are there. You’ll learn about their beauty, ecological and cultural importance. Hear how they are documented, protected and conserved. After seeing this show, you may never feel the same about lava tubes.

Original Air Date - 02-09-2016
Credit - Public Domain - Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park

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