Israel News Compilation

2 years ago


In this wave we're seeing infection and illness in vaccinated individuals.
We're seeing vaccinated individuals that are sick and arrive at the hospitals in serious condition.
And we're seeing deaths as well.
The increase in the number of seriously ill who've been vaccinated is an increase that we've seen over the past few days very significantly.

The almost vast majority of the deceased are vaccinated people that seemingly have gone through immuno erosion.
83 dead just in the past month.
At the same time in addition to this number that we see on the screen, there are also 15 sick that are in serious condition.
Let's admit the truth, at the moment we don't really know because as Bennett himself said in his opening statement, we don't have anyone to learn from. We’re the only country that vaccinated to such an extent in the entire world; this is a completely novel challenge and therefore we must gather just a bit more data and then decide.

I today don’t see a difference. Really, I don't see a difference between if I, as someone that has been vaccinated with two doses got so sick so, so badly. So what does it matter if you take the vaccines or not?

Certainly it is starting to bother us.

Meanwhile we're becoming aware of the fact that Director General of the Sheba Hospital, Professor Yitzhak Kreiss, he was, if you recall, the third person to get vaccinated in Israel after the Prime Minister and Minister of Health. He also has become sick with covid despite being vaccinated.

Do you have a clear position Professor regarding what they call the “boost”? That is, an additional dose, which we must say, is still not to be found in Pfizer's protocols. We must say decisively even. That there isn't any medical basis as of today for massive and bulk vaccination of the population with a third vaccine, with a booster. We really are not at the point in time that we need to vaccinate the bulk of the population with the third dose.

Yesterday around 8:00 in the evening the health minister published data, seemingly about a decline in the efficacy of the vaccine, and that's at the very least a little bit strange.
Yes it's a bit strange, in general Health Ministry isn't exceptional at sharing information,isn’t exceptional in sharing data with the public, and that's a matter that…

By the way, what about the transparency of the “Corona Cabinet”? All the ministers of the Cabinet promised us, they fought for it during the previous administration.
“Yes we’ll publish the protocols”, ok, so, on with it!
30 years of confidentiality, what’s the big deal?
So where do we see it happening?
We’re in favor of protocols being published, and we’re especially in favor of much more data from the Health Ministry.
But they came out against this secrecy, now they (the new government) are there are they’re continuing with the secrecy!
No, now there's really state secrets.
We have to make sure that the virus doesn’t find out! (jokingly)
If the coronavirus finds out what we’re going to do, it will, you know….

There is very problematic conduct in the data in the health ministry. This week, in response to our request they gave us the breakdown of the seriously ill into vaccinated and non-vaccinated.
They promised us that starting next week it will be published on a regular basis.
I'm waiting to see.
Yes there's a very significant discrepancy between the data on the studies done in Israel and the efficacy of the vaccine versus those published in Britain in the United states.
Especially pertaining to infection because according to the study that was conducted here in Israel, the efficacy against infection fell to 40%, the efficacy of the vaccine.

And really, many questions arise how we've arrived at such a low number. Even though like Arad said, most of the patients right now are vaccinated, obviously.

And the funniest thing is that we ask them. OK, I got infected.
But before she did the test, I got infected. You informed me that I'm sick with covid. What happens with her?
So they ask me on the phone “did she get vaccinated?”
I told her, “yes, we both got vaccinated.”
“No problem, she doesn't need to quarantine, she can travel freely”.
OK she was going around freely and now a few days later we did a test again and she’s positive. What happened during that time that she was going around outside?

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