Dr Vernon Coleman – Your DNA being sold

2 years ago

Nov 17, 2021
Source: www.vernoncoleman.org/videos/vernon-colemans-wednesday-review-episode-two

Dr Vernon Coleman – “If the thought of your DNA being sold doesn’t strike terror in your heart then you haven’t been paying attention”

‘If you trust your government to always do the right and decent thing then you can switch off now, I said. ‘I envy you your innocence and your faith. I suspect, however, that most people have by now lost what little faith they had in their government and its advisors. I have shown in other videos how we have been lied to, tricked, manipulated and brainwashed.’

I pointed out that governments sell every bit of information they can collect. They sell voter details and they sell census information. They demand private and confidential information. And then they flog it to anyone prepared to pay the right price.

I warned that you will have no rights over your private information. Companies everywhere will be able to buy it and hackers will be able to steal it.

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