2 years ago

This beautiful old man you see here came up to me and said, "Please, I want to experience God! I've been prayed for so many times, but nothing has happened!" But then when I prayed, the Holy Spirit came over him in such a powerful way! He fell down. He experienced freedom. He started to speak in tongues, and he was just laying there laughing, rejoicing, full of the Holy Spirit! It was so, so beautiful!

He had been seeking it for such a long time, and had so many people pray for him, and nothing had happened. But today it happened! He experienced freedom! He experienced a new life!

So I want to say to you out there - DON'T GIVE UP! DON'T GIVE UP! If people have prayed for you and nothing has happened - don't give up! Keep seeking! Keep getting prayed for! Keep longing for it!

I also want to say that it's NOT too late - whether you are 14, if you 40, or you are 80 like this man - it doesn't matter! It matters that Jesus died for you and that He wants to set you free - He wants to save you - He wants to give you a new life!

This was a beautiful, beautiful moment today among many other moments! God truly came! We've just baptized around fifteen to twenty people, and many more got set free - it was so beautiful!

God bless you! Tomorrow the Kickstart is over, and then we are headed back to Florida for a very short time, but more about that later!

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