Zhengzhou Flood: Drivers Don't Know the Danger Until It Is Too Late 鄭州洪水:司機想跑時已經太晚

3 years ago

At July 22, an onlooker filmed and described what he saw at the south side of the gate of Beijing-Guangzhou Road and Longhai Road in Zhengzhou City.
July 22, 8:00 a.m., this place is the south side of the gate of Beijing-Guangzhou Road and Longhai Road in Zhengzhou City, we can see both the northbound and southbound roads are completely interrupted. There is a lot of water inside the tunnel, the visual estimated depth of water is more than 5 meters, I am talking about the depth inside the tunnel, because the tunnel is sloped. This is an overturned a car. I assume the body of the car is more than one meter, more than 1 or 2 meters, you can only see the wheels, the car is completely overturned, bottom to the sky, we see only one wheel. The water, according to the crowd, on July 20, when it rained, many drivers, at the beginning, the water was shallow, many drivers did not choose to evacuate, but chose to watch and stay. The water then got deeper and deeper, and when they wanted to run away, it was too late. See, hundreds of cars, topping one another horizontally and vertically like toys, stacked together. This road has been completely interrupted, many people are watching, like a blockbuster movie, densely packed with onlookers. The cars, look at the scene again, completely stacked together, so miserable to watch. And this is already two days after the rain, the rescue is simply too late to get here, the city has similar scenes in many places, but this place is a more obvious. The relief job in Zhengzhou is also a problem, because the amount is too large.
7月22號上午8點多,這個地方是鄭州市的京廣路和隴海路的車閘口的南側,我們看到的從北向南和從南向北方向的都完全中斷了。隧道裏面有大量有積水,目測水的深度超過5米,我說的是隧道裏面的深度,因爲這個隧道口它是有坡度的,這個地方翻倒了一輛車,它這個車身我估計得有個一米多吧,一米多兩米的樣子,目前只能看到這個輪子,這個車也完全翻倒過來了,底朝天,我們看到的只有一個輪子,我們看到它這外積水,據這個羣衆講,是7月20號,下雨的時候,很多司機, 一開始的時候水比較淺,但是很多司機沒有選擇退出,而是選擇了觀望,滯留,這個水越來越深,後來想跑的時候就晚了,看到大概有幾百輛車,橫七豎八的像玩具一樣,摞在一起。這個路已經就完全中斷了,很多人在圍觀,像電影大片一樣,密密麻麻全是圍觀的路人,這個車,大家再看一下這個情景,橫七豎八的完全摞在一起,感覺好慘啊。而這個已經是下雨的兩天以後了,救援根本來不及,到處,市裏面很多地方都有類似的情景,但這個地方是一個比較明顯的地段。鄭州的雨救災也是一個問題,因爲量太大。
#floods #Zhengzhou, #HenanProvince, #CCPChina #flooding #floods #Flood #chinaflood #ChinaFloods
#郑州 #洪水 #鄭州 #河南暴雨
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