3 years ago

Are we really expected to believe that they constructed all of this for a virus with less than a 1% fatality rate that disproportionally targets the already diseased, the elderly, and the immunocompromised? Keep in mind that facilities like this have been constructed in other locations around the world, does that make sense to you? Like me, you must have that nagging feeling in your gut, I’m asking you to trust it. There’s just too much that doesn’t make any sense. Too many numbers that aren’t adding up. Why the urgency? Why use force? Why build isolation facilities of this magnitude? Why quarantine healthy people? Why mandate a therapeutic that doesn’t stop infection or transmission? Why purposely choose which businesses get to remain open? Why lie? Why suppress proven treatments? This symptom mitigator was created in 1/10 the time taken to develop actual vaccines, does that really not concern you at all? No one who uses coercion can claim the moral high ground, does that not trouble you?

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