Certification in Software Engineering for Cloud, Blockchain and IoT

2 years ago

Learn through the industry experts and get a dedicated mentor and career support.

Our Certification in Software Engineering for Cloud, Blockchain and IoT is an industry-specific program designed by E&ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati and Imarticus Learning.
This program adopts a very collaborative approach that focuses more on real industry projects and assignments.
It helps you prepare for interview opportunities through our career services and allows you to create your own GitHub project portfolio.
At the end of this program, you can explore a career in the software engineering industry and consider roles such as software engineer, blockchain developer, IoT engineer and cloud engineer.
Apply now for a Certification in Software Engineering for Cloud, Blockchain and IoT by E&ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati.

Visit: https://imarticus.org/certification-in-software-engineering-for-cloud-blockchain-iot-e-ict-iit-guwahati/

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