Episode No Comply 3 - Entering a lift or elevator

3 years ago

Don't download or use the app. Enjoy not complying with everything you encounter. Feel empowered by peaceful civil disobedience.

Here, the sign near the lift says to check-in. I have seen about 20 people use the lift and zero people scan the QR code. Non-compliance is everywhere. Even the fear-filled pro-vaxxers with masks on don't comply.

I've escaped the clutches of surveillance corporations (bye bye google, facebook, apple, instagram). I am not participating in a surveillance state.



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The sign says "we're helping keep our community COVID safe" - this is nicely written propaganda.


Key word hit: Vaccine, mandate, masks, check-in, lift, elevator, stairs, tracking, contact tracing, sickness, compliance, stop the spread, flatten the curve, demonstration, demo video, how-to, how to, guides, guide, mandatory

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