Episode Funny Humour 63 - On holidays during an emergency

3 years ago

Inspired by the evil genius of Pete Buttigieg, your favourite despot takes an long holiday during the COVID crisis.

Pete Buttlicker, Bottlekicker, Buttgigger will NOT out do your dictator. The Buttigig guy took two 2 months off - probably to breastfeed. Well, I can take more time off - for no good reason or due to the ongoing COVID emergency.

I don't know what Pete does with bottoms or bottles, but you won't see me again for a while. I'll be on holiday letting your situation get worse and worse.

It's all part of my plan to destroy you and the country.


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Key word hit: Vaccine passport, COVID, emergency, law, laws, break, leave, holiday, holidays, vaxx, wax, sickness, laugh, laughs, funny, funnier, funniest, humour, humor

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