Dr. Timothy Perenich : ITS NOT THE MARK OF THE BEAST - Part 2 - Fear/Insanity

2 years ago

So many people are focused on the mark of the beast being a literal mark like an RFID chip, and they are missing the deeper truth concerning the mark and are going to fall right into Satan's trap!

Many people, when looking at the mark of the beast read Revelation 13:16 on its own. They see the words ... "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads" ... and they think, "the word MARK means a literal mark, so it must be a literal mark they are going to enforce upon us." - That verse is divorced from the rest of the context, which stops them gaining a proper understanding. Well, guess what? The BEAST of which the mark is in the original Greek means a literal ANIMAL. So are we going to be forced into accepting the mark of an animal? Of course not! Revelation is full of symbolic language. The beast is symbolic of a kingdom (Daniel 7:23) and therefore it's mark is also going to be symbolic.

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