Parallels between the French revolution and latter-day events - Part 3

3 years ago

Consider this:

History, we know, is apt to repeat itself, and to foist very old incidents upon us with only a slight change of costume.
— George Eliot

2020 and 2021 had been tumultuous years. The global pandemic response splashed fear across the globe while racial tensions and political, social, religious polarizations deepened divisions in our world. The rich grew richer and the poor grew poorer. Both religious fervor and atheistic apathy flourished.

It seems the light of God’s Word is fading becoming non-significant again. Will it go out entirely, we wonder?

The events that shook the world in 2020 should remind us of another time in history when reason reigned and division destroyed a nation.

Two hundred years ago France was rocked by similar issues. Wealthy aristocrats and clergy found themselves at the mercy of angry peasants. Riots and ruthless killing drenched the streets in blood. Bibles were burned and reason enthroned as queen. In the “age of enlightenment”, France was shrouded in darkness.

The light went out in France.

The French Revolution offers striking parallels to our world today. Today, in our “information age”, we find our world shrouded in the darkness of reason. The light of the Bible no longer illumines the hearts of men, and our society is fast becoming divisive, chaotic near its collapse.

Let’s examine the parallels between the French Revolution and today. What lessons are we to learn? As Christians, how would God have us respond to the darkness around us?

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