Questioning EVERY-THINK J.S.T.100@ #19

2 years ago

Glutathione, a chemical occurring naturally within the body, has shown to block the dangerous effects given off by graphene oxide, a main component of the Covid-19 vaccine. Glutathione has been shown to occur naturally within the bodies of the youth (approx. 25 yrs old down to birth age). In addition, it exists in copious amounts within athletes. However, individuals aged 65 and up drastically lose the bodies ability to produce glutathione. Hence, this is the reasoning for the heavy death toll of the elderly. Obesity, other comorbidities along with the immuno-compromised are candidates for death from the Covid-19 virus.
So, it is quite obvious that only a small subsection of the population needs to be leery and take precautions to maintain their bodies health.
However, there is another factor which has led many to suffer from horrific and permanent health deficits along with many, many deaths. What is the anomally of Covid which has shown to directly correlate to the deterioration of the health of the many, many? "THE CURE!!!"

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