Dr. Charles of Lytton, BC Continues to Speak Out on Adverse Reactions, Deaths and Treatments

2 years ago

Dr. Hoffe is a respected physician, who while working in the small town of Lytton, BC, experienced one patient dying and another six having adverse reactions as a result of the Modern vaccine. Dr. Hoffe wrote an open letter to BC’s Health Minister, Bonnie Henry, expressing his concerns, resulting in the BC College of Physicians implementing a gag order and reprimand. Dr. Hoffe has chosen to defy the gag order.

Film “Love in the Time of Covid”: https://matadorfilms.ca/

Amazing Polly investigative report on Lytton Fire: https://www.bitchute.com/video/dbZwKX5ERuFz/

Donations to Dr. Charles Hoffe can be e-transferred to: hoffe.charles@gmail.com

Link to one of Dr. Nagase’s speeches: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cLZ3s6spE6k3/
Canadian Frontline Nurses Facebook video of Dr. Nagase: https://fb.watch/9jwFm2i0JG/

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