Ingo Sorke : "re: Creation - True Climate Change"

2 years ago

Consider this:
The accusation has often been made that Creationism is not scientific. Evolutionism, on the other hand, is. After all, today most scientists are evolutionists, right? Therefore the conclusion must be that Creationism is simply an ignorant fad of the radical right-wingers, while the more educated and advanced thinking of science belongs in the evolutionists’ camp.
But what does history say about this? Are there any scientific contributions made by creationists in the past? Or are the great scientific advances all due to evolutionary thinking? You might think it’s a long shot, but what if some major contributions came from creationists? That’s impossible, right? Creationists are simply backwards, religious zealots, not scientists. Or are they?

It might come as a shock, but as it turns out, every major branch of science – astronomy, chemistry, microbiology, etc. – was established upon the work of creationists. A common misconception is that true scientists are evolutionists, but in fact the evolutionists are merely standing on an entire mountain of work that was built by creationists.

While the evolutionist assumes his theory is true in spite of “trivial” elements of science, such as the first two laws of Thermodynamics, Boyle’s Law, and Biogenesis, the creationist understands that science was established by God. A creationist seeks to follow the clues in God’s creation which help him better understand the natural world. To a creationist, science and the Bible were both authored by God. He therefore has no problem accepting the scientific method of observation to further validate that which he takes on faith.
The early scientists, whose ranks include the likes of Galileo, Sir Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler and Robert Boyle, believed in an Intelligent Designer/Creator who laid down, not only laws of conduct for humanity, but also for nature. As they set about to identify and explore these laws of nature, they built a scientific mountain of information and established the major branches of scientific understanding.

So the idea that creationists are not scientific is beyond absurd in that it mocks the great heritage of creationists that modern science harkens back to and upon whose work modern science now rests.

Evolutionists allow Evolutionism to govern their exploration of the natural world to the detriment of science, while creationists continue to merely demonstrate how the God of the Bible is also the true Architect of what we call science.
Author: Joshua Joscelyn
Publish date: Nov 17, 2014
Summary: Is Creation Scientific by Joshua Joscelyn

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