Parent Tells Horrific Story of Daughter Being Abused by School Principal

2 years ago

LISTEN to this! This is why we fight for our children! Why we fight for this nation! This is not a Republican or Democrat issue. We MUST tell the government we do not comply with this tyranny.

I am calling for the arrest of this individual and that the individual be criminally prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Parents, the children do not belong to the government.

This is why #WethePeople have stood up and said no! I am sick and tired of government leaders and candidates playing politicians and selling us out to the devils agenda. ENOUGH!


Call Richland 2 and ask for the immediate dismissal of this this employee:


Call the Sheriff’s Office and Demand an Arrest of this individual:

Case No. 211023 515

+1 803 576 3000

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