The Great Replacement

3 years ago

In today's episode, Dr. Veltmeyer accuses America's ruling elites of purposely fomenting the chaos at the Mexican border in order to change the demographic composition of the nation's population, for the political benefit of the Democrat Party. He points to the results of the 1965 Immigration Reform Act and the fact that no Democrat has won a majority of the white vote in over half a century. Democrats are determined to recalibrate America's demographics in order to ensure a permanent Democrat voting majority for decades to come. That is why they are welcoming 2 million illegal migrants into our country this year alone and strategically distributing these unfortunate individuals to the so-called "swing" states. It's not about race, it's about power and the Democrat Party and its ruling class is determined to hold on to that power at all costs, even if it means spreading crime, drugs, and COVID within our borders and destroying the standard of living of working class Americans of all races.

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