A Prophetic Message to the Nations!

2 years ago

To all the people of the nations, Almighty God wants you to know that evil people have used the virus to deceive you. These men and women desire to form a one world government, an international order, a global reset and new world order, where they rule and reign and you are enslaved under their authority.

They are forcing the vax on you, your children and grandchildren. They are behind the lockdowns, mandates, masks, passports and social distancing. They are wicked, in the eyes of Almighty God and His Son, the Lord - Jesus Christ!

The Lord warns you of this deception today, as He exposes their evil plot! Why? Almighty God is so full of love and mercy, that He gives you a final chance, to have eternal life and escape His coming wrath.

Soon, the true followers of Christ will be Raptured (rescued) and taken to heaven, before His wrath comes upon the earth. Those of you who are left behind, will enter into what the Bible calls the Tribulation; a seven-year period of war, famine, violence, and suffering, as God unleashes His judgements, on the wicked, as found in the book of Revelation! It will fulfill the 70th week of Daniel, as found in your Bible.

Read II Thessalonians 2:1-12. Are you believing the lies being told to you by many of the world leaders? Do you see the delusion that has spread across the nations?

The Lord desires that none of you would perish, but that you would all repent from your sins and place your faith, in His Son - Jesus Christ, who shed his blood, on a cross, to pay the penalty of your sins! II Peter 3:9.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16.

Watch the video and share it with everyone you know, for the time is short. The Lord tells all of you today, “REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND!”

All Glory, to God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ!

I love you all.

A servant of Jesus Christ

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