Passover & The Feast of Unleavened Bread - Resurrection Day!!

2 years ago

Is the Easter pagan? Did you know Passover is a Holiday that God Himself has instituted. The Feast of Unleavened Bread is a time of remembrance and celebration! These Festivals are sometimes referred to as “God’s calendar of redeeming grace” or “the calendar of divine redemption.” These Holy Days are God’s appointed times, sacred assemblies for His people. When is Passover 2021 prophecy? Join us at this Seder to find out more!!


Acts 18:21 KJV Paul said: “I must by all means keep this feast that cometh in Jerusalem”

Although mainstream Christianity commonly mistakes the Festivals of the Lord as “Jewish”, the Holy Scriptures make it clear that these are the LORD’s Feasts. The appointed times found in the Torah are rehearsals for God’s children to prepare their spirit and heart for His soon return.

Guide Book: Pesach a Passover Guide for Believers in Yeshua by Lex B. Myer ISBN 9781986161671

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