Day 21, getting Takara home to her family

2 years ago

This has gone on WAY TOO LONG! Takara is a much loved and was very healthy young woman in her mothers care, who is completely capable of speaking for herself and telling the DCP workers. Who are completely untrusted strangers to her. That she wants to go home to her family. Why are they still holding her hostage against Takara's will? Against her mothers will? Against her grandparents will? And against the expressed will of trusted Elder Sandy Ross, who holds very real and grave concerns for Takara's health, being kept in such an inhumane, traumatic and completely unnecessary state forced separation from her family. She really is being held hostage in a for profit child abduction and trafficking operation, that has been getting away with bloody murder for FAR, FAR TOO LONG!


We call on ALL HONEST DCP WORKERS and SAPOL Officers to do the right thing and urgently make an honest review Takara's case, and contact her mother Donna Markwell to arrange for the immediate return of her daughter.

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