Time to take our country back, with congressional candidate Melissa Martz

2 years ago

You may remember, in the child’s fable, titled “The Emperor Has No Clothes,” it took one brave soul to stand among the blindly obedient masses and shout “The Emperor has NO clothes!”, to free the people from deception. Melissa Martz may be that voice. Listen to our incredible patriot and Congressional Candidate, Melissa Martz, detail where she stands on topics such as; protecting our 2A, ending child trafficking, reviving our Constitution, stopping Federal tyranny, and restoring our Republic. Martz gives a dose of truth to cure the fear and open agenda to destroy our nation. This is the hope and encouragement we need in this critical hour, to realize our God given liberty is for NOW. “WE the people, free the people.” Melissa Martz is running in the Republican primary for U.S. House Florida District 18 on August 23, 2022.

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