Emergency Zoom Meeting 9pm CST Meeting ID in Live Help or login to your account

4 years ago

https://go.thryv.com/portal/znbxam3glfqe0udh#/auth/?cname=dashboard&cparams=%5Bobject%20Object%5D&s=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.thryv.com%2Fsite%2FGlobalCommServices%2Factivity%2Fdashboard&o=cHJvZmlsZV9wYWdl&topUrl=aHR0cHM6Ly9nby50aHJ5di5jb20vc2l0ZS9HbG9iYWxDb21tU2VydmljZXMvYWN0aXZpdHkvZGFzaGJvYXJk&isWidget=false Thanks and welcome aboard. Please follow the steps below to become a part of The People's Note as a Private Member.
We will be chatting with you soon,
Texas Paralegal Guy

You must become a Private Member by signing a PMA and/or giving a monthly donation on Patreon to upgrade your account. We only work with Private Members and do not offer service for non-members.

Here are the links:

PMA Signup:
https://theofficialpeoplesnote.com and CLICK JOIN NOW

Monthly Memberships:

Downloads and Live Chat

The People's Note Forum

Monthly Donation for initial phone calls (optional):

If your situation is URGENT, make a donation on the Venmo app and someone will call you personally (Please allow time to adjust our schedule to accommodate your request)

Paypal: ceo@thepeoplesnote.com

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