Mandates & Lockdowns World Protests - Parental Rights Abuses - The Border and Crime.

2 years ago

Straight Shooting News 11 16 2021
Brought to you by FWG Broadcasting
- Tuesday Night Special of Straight Shooting News
(Sunday was our discussion with Greg Adams, covering ranching, farming, supply chains, renewable energy ...)

Mandates/Lockdowns/World Protests/Parental Rights Abuses/The Border and Crime

SHOW NOTES FOR Part 1 and Part 2 below.

Laura Ingraham clip – (Sorry no link; video was removed)
Sounds like the flu, but they have no data like the U.S. Senators requested at the hearing about Herd Immunity? (We played highlights for you last week).
This is the full segment of the impromptu meeting between Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and Tedros Adhanom, the director of the WHO, World Health Organization, during the recent G20 Summit in Rome.
Economies collapsing … Tedros of the WHO says no more lockdowns! Not according to the Austrian leader: he says lockdown for the unvaccinated is likely November 11, 2021. … He added that the country’s vaccination rate is “shamefully low.” About 65% of the population is fully inoculated.

Where is the actual Data?
Vax passports not recommended right now, because it will appear like discrimination. In Brazil people getting the 2nd shot are still getting COVID.
Tedros Response: The shot does not prevent COVID just severe symptoms and death. Bolsonaro told Tedros people are still dying after the 2nd shot.
BANG The WHO does NOT recommend jabbing children … so why is the USA doing it?
… What happens if you disagree with Jabs, Masking, lockdowns Education/CRT or where this country is being taken?
Back to Ingraham Angle … more on School Boards spying on parents.
Notice the proof NSBA colluded with White House and AG before issuing the FBI warning! Political attacks coming at all of us who disagree.
Tucker – (also no link; video removed) Trump aides Steve Bannon, Mark Meadows rant, and then General Flynn. The entire Bill of Rights is under, attack as we have been discussing on this show.

PART II - Border
From Tucker video (continuing from part 1)
The Border Crisis / MS-13, Convicted Sexual Predators
Kids being recruited in the U.S. by Cartels to Smuggle drugs and guns.

Cartels are operating on the U.S. side of the Border. Mutilations! Rape, torture, executions. Sara Carter:

Photos from Border:
facebook video; Desantis on Bongino Unfiltered
Dr. Martin – laying out the FELONIES involved with the admissions in 2016 and proof of the COVID BIO-WEAPON.
The World is Awakened to what Dr. Martin and many, many, more are attempting to try and do Watch Protests World Wide - Videos
Protests World Wide

Highlighting the Bikers in New Zealand protesting against Tyranny, with a haka to finish off the protests.
Lastly, on the border – Senator Mike Lee to Mayorkas: “fix it or step down”

Go to Part 2 ...

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