Blatant Lies About Druthers Newspaper on CTV National News. Read Description For How You Can Help.

4 years ago

Clearly, CTV is trying to smear Druthers with blatant lies and misinformation. Why would CTV make this stuff up? If they actually read an issue of Druthers they would know their story about vaccine phone scammers has nothing whatsoever to do with Druthers. So why would they show Druthers in this news piece as though we are the ones scamming people?? Is CTV feeling threatened by a fast growing paper that actually tells the truth? I think that may be the case.

Will you help force CTV to retract this 'news' piece and issue an apology to Druthers?

Below are 4 links for filing complaints about CTV and their wrongful defamation of Druthers. If enough of us speak up about it, they may be forced to retract their story and issue an apology. This is the goal. Please do what you can to help that happen and to let them know they cannot get away with lying and deceiving Canadians like this!

1. Visit the CTV website and insist they retract this piece and issue an apology to Druthers:
CTV:​ or email them directly at each of these email addresses: & &

2. Contact the "Canadian Broadcast Standards Council" to let them know about this situation and inform them that CTV is blatantly lying to Canadians and that you are highly concerned about this:​

3. Contact the "Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services" to let them know about this situation and inform them that CTV is blatantly lying to Canadians and that you are highly concerned about this:​

4. Write to the "Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission" to let them know about this situation and inform them that CTV is blatantly lying to Canadians and that you are highly concerned about this:​

5. Share this video everywhere you can and ask a friend or two to file these complaints as well.

If enough of us do this, we WILL make a difference and CTV will need to retract these false claims and apologize. And for anyone who hasn't read a Druthers yet, please do do online (​) so you can see we actually encourage people NOT to take the vaccines and are certainly not trying to sell people vaccines. That is just plain ridiculous.

Below is a letter you may copy and paste if you like:


To whom it may concern.

On Sunday, February 7, 2021, CTV National News did a piece about vaccine phone scammers. (See:​) While this is a very good thing to warn people about, CTV wrongly defamed a young publication called Druthers by relating these phone scammers to this new paper. CTV even went so far as to use the words, "Cold hearted criminals" in reference to Druthers.

This is absolutely wrong, downright outrageous & completely unacceptable! Did CTV actually read an issue of Druthers? If they had, they would clearly know Druthers does not sell vaccines, nor even promote vaccines. So did CTV read an issue of Druthers and then choose to lie? Or did they not read a Druthers and just make this story up in an attempt to cause harm to their 'competition'? Regardless which is the case, both scenarios are deeply concerning to me.

This letter is being sent to CTV, CBSC, CCTS & CRTC.

I demand that CTV publicly retract this piece about Druthers immediately and issue an apology to Druthers for the blatant misinformation. I also ask for a public promise from CTV to do better and actually do proper research. Truth in media matters!!

Let it be known, Canadians are becoming fed up with the lies, fear mongering and misinformation coming from these 'news' sources and we will not tolerate it any more.

Thank you for your attention on this matter.

I await your response.


P.S. Big thanks to Odessa Orlewicz for making this video. Odessa and her husband Norbert have started a new, fast growing, censorship free social media platform for Canadians. Please join at:​.

Big thanks & lots of love,
Shawn Jason
Creator of Druthers, Canada's Fastest Growing Newspaper
Get the paper:​

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