The Hanukkah HOAX? Is This Biblical? Time to test.

3 years ago

It is time to test this added Feast which does not appear in scripture and which story does not originate in the Bible. Is there Biblical precedence for a Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) in December? When were the 1st and 2nd Temple dedicated? What is the origin of the December Festival of Lights now associated with the modern Hanukkah? It is time to explore this history from the Aaronic Temple Priests who wrote the real account which will set this straight once and for all. Watch, test, and learn. Yah Bless.

NOTE: Some have actually come in claiming March is not Winter. This is likely an illiterate blogger who just can't read and understands very little of anything yet still writes illiterate and illegal trash which is all he appears capable. He will likely be in jail soon anyway as he is a criminal. Winter does not end until March 20, and we should not have to tell anyone this, which places Spring in the first Hebrew month of Abib, not Adar anymore. Frankly, it is amazing that we should have to point out such elementary facts but this demonstrates how illiterate our opposition is as they are not interested in representing the truth nor capable of very basic elementary school education whether alone the complexities in which we research.

The Dead Sea Scroll writings used in this video were published in English by Geza Vermes in 1962 and among the most credible of the kind. Page numbers and link appear on each slide which uses it. You can download his entire 761-page publishing free at:
The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English
Geza Vermes. Penguin Classics. Revised Edition.
Published 1962. Revised 2004.

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