Judgment of the Watchers. Answers In Jubilees: Part 15

3 years ago

It is time for the Judgment of the Watchers where they are imprisoned within the Earth at the time of the Flood until the Day of Judgment. Jude says exactly this in fact but Jubilees expounds in detail and we can finally understand Genesis. For some, this will lead to an awakening and a restoration of the paradigm of Yahuah's holiness and Judgment which has been lost in much of the church today. In the end, we will explore the doctrine taught by the Aaronic, Levite Temple Priests who had been exiled to Qumran and we will find this is exactly what they taught 2,000 years ago. The real question, what scholar today has credentials in teaching the Old Testament that outweigh those of the Temple Priests from 2,000 years ago? And is the modern theology that goes against this ancient understanding, not new doctrine never taught by the Apostles? Indeed. We hope all learn something from this installment of Answers In Jubilees. Yah Bless.




The Dead Sea Scroll writings used in this video, were published in English by Geza Vermes in 1962 and among the most credible of the kind. Page numbers and link appear on each slide which uses it. You can download his entire 761-page publishing free at:
The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English
Geza Vermes. Penguin Classics. Revised Edition.
Published 1962. Revised 2004.

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