Mike Lindell’s Interview with President Donald Trump

2 years ago

Question#1) was running America similar to running any of your businesses?
Donald Trump says that you have to run the country and you have to survive. He described that he was hit all the time from leftwing media and leftwing organizations who are also dangerous to this country. Donald Trump says that there is a lot of common sense when it comes to policies.
We don’t have freedom of the press anymore. If you do something good, they’ll make it like you did something bad. The press is the biggest evil and probably the biggest detriment to this country. We have enough evidence to prove election fraud but the supreme court and all of the courts did not even want to look at the evidence. It’s a terrible thing what has happened to our country. Why do these journalists hate our country so much? They’ll never let the honest word get out. And it isn’t like we are asking for much, what we want is a strong military, a nice house for our families and they keep fighting us, it is very sad.
What gives you the emotional strength to handle it all?
Sometimes you pick someone who you think is great and they turn out to be not so great and vice versa. And remember the Russian Hoax and the steele dossier that turned out to be entirely fake.
Remember Bill Bahr, before the election he was talking about the problem with election integrity, and then he sends a letter to Pennsylvania telling them not to look at the election. And then Kris Krebbs tweeted that ‘this was the most secure election in American history’. And they’re so guarding of the ballots. Mail in ballots were a complete disaster, and they used the china to flood the election with mail in ballots. The reality is that they don’t want anyone to talk about the election of 2020. The fact is that we have someone in the whitehouse that is destroying our country, look at the supply chains, look at Afghanistan, look at the southern border. Think about what the administration did when they took power, they closed the keystone pipeline which cost tens of thousands of jobs. And look at what happened in Afghanistan, they made that story disappear months ago. One of the reasons that the economy is going bad is because of the mandate. But because we don’t have a fair and free press that means that our country has a long way to go. The problem is that when they stole the election, think about the phone call from Brad Raffensberger, there were tons of illegitimate votes that were counted which should not have been counted but he said that there was no there there. They don’t want to even talk about the election fraud because we are too close, they just want it to go away like a bad dream.

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