Feeling stuck? Access your intuition for your best next steps & tapping script

3 years ago

Tapping for feeling stuck and tapping for being indecisive.

This video helps you to
- create clarity
- release being frozen in fear
- free yourself from not seeing your options
- being open to seeing clearly
- feeling safe to take action
- feeling safe to make a decision

Use this affirmation
"Whatever I choose will work out best for me because Source Energy is always watching out for me"

And use the tapping to create an empowered mindset

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Spotify Podcast

For a support community
0:00 Introduction
0:51 Tapping for feeling stuck

Check out https://rossanneclay.com to quantum leap your healing journey

Use this video in any situation. Some examples of where you can use this:
- being stuck in a bad relationship
- being stuck in an awful job
- being stuck in a sticky situation
- being stuck in financial strife

#efttapping #tapping

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