Los Gatos Saratoga Say NO To CRT Diversity Equity Inclusion

2 years ago

The racist, bigoted Los Gatos Town Council (Sayoc Rennie Hudes Badame and Ristow) and racist, bigoted Chamber of Commerce Catherine Jeff Somers have shown us that they do not care about our children, our parents, and our families. They continue to force their un-American Marxist Agenda on the People who demand the Listen Learn Change Grow DEI Campaign is taken down and burned. They are calling 70% of Los Gatans White Supremacists and Oppressors. Sayoc says Los Gatos suffers from Systemic Racism. Maybe because Sayoc, Biden, and Soros brought the racism to Los Gatos? The Outlook newspaper reported the poll results for both Los Gatos and Saratoga and concluded Diversity Equity Inclusion and Critical Race Theory are not wanted!

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