Gun Control....

3 years ago

Fortunately Kyle Rittenhouse demonstrated what true gun control is...will anyone actually pay attention???

Dr. Simone Gold@drsimonegold

WOW: Lancet study proves the shot does not prevent transmission  

“fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household settings, including to fully vaccinated”

Why is this SO important?
The 1905 SCOTUS case Jacobson v Massachusetts held that mandates can only be considered to “prevent the spread of contagious disease.” As all studies show the shots don’t stop transmission, Covid mandates are obviously illegal.

The State found these “people” could not be identified through either an Arizona MVD driver’s license search, nor could they be identified or found under a federal search with the last 4 numbers of their Social Security #, name and date of birth.

Democrats Themselves Testified That Voting Machines Are Not Secure:

Democratic Senators Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Ron Wyden, and others testify how easily the voting machines can be hacked and how they can be used to alter the outcome of an election.

It turns out there were hundreds of thousands of ballots with problems- ballots cast without voters, and voters casting ballots that didn't get counted.  

We did the audit because we knew there was fraud, and we needed to know how much so we could stop it. We don't want another 2020 and we don't want another New Jersey.

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