As Green Beret sits in jail, RINOs are biggest threat to freedoms...

3 years ago

11-13-21: In this riveting speech to a powerful group in Vero Beach, Florida, Cathi Chamberlain explains how Green Beret Jeremy Brown is standing up for the rights of all Jan 6 Political Prisoners and Patriots being targeted as Homegrown Violent Extremists in America today. This is happening as, sadly, a segment of the Republican Party known as RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) are doing little to protect our freedoms. They are fighting FL Rep. Anthony Sabatini's calls for audits of the 2020 election and are weakening on the vaxx mandates. It's time to call them out to stand with Patriot heroes like Brown in protecting the freedoms our Founding Fathers fought so hard to give us. This is a one-of-a-kind, must hear speech that brings attention to the biggest threats facing our nation today.

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