The Book of Enoch (Chapter 14)

2 years ago

This chapter explains the path of the Sun in the sky, and how the length of the day varies, and the different seasons. The division of the year into months and the phases of the Moon are explained here.

It is interesting that the variation of day length is described with the day divided into 18 parts. The Watchers may have divided the day into 18 "hours" rather than our 24-hour system.

The seasonal variation in day length described, see 72.14 & 72.26, is more typical of northern latitudes. The situation here in London, in late December (close to the mid-winter solstice), is very similar to the description at 72.26 with a day of 8 hours, and a night of 16 hours.

The section on the Moon contains some accurate information such as that it appears in the sky to be the same size as the Sun, 72.37.
At 75.8-9 Enoch explains how the axis of rotation passes through the middle of the Earth - although I think Enoch was not sure what Uriel means by this.

It should be remembered that the fact that the Earth is spherical and rotating was only widely accepted a few hundred years ago. Before then it was believed that the Sun went round the Earth.

There is a book called ‘Uriel’s Machine’ by C. Knight and Robert Lomas that makes out a good case for this chapter containing the information needed to construct a ‘henge’ - an observatory made from posts or standing stones.

They also suggest Enoch may have been taken to Ireland - where there are a number of unusual and ancient sites still surviving.

When Enoch is talking about the north, at 77.3, he mentions this is the location of the Garden of Righteousness - the homeland of the Watchers.

At 78.4, the fact that the Moon obtains its light from the Sun is revealed. At 78.17 he says the Moon has a face ("looks like a man") for 20 days in the month; we call him "the man in the Moon".

This is more evidence against my theory about the South Sandwich islands being the home of the Watchers because the Moon’s face is not recognizable in the southern hemisphere (because it is upside down).

I suspect that this section about the Moon should be elsewhere in the text, probably near to the previous section about the Moon a few pages before.

There is a description of a book written by the Watchers that Enoch took notes from, (see 81.1-2), Enoch calls it The Tablets of Heaven. Enoch’s prophecy chapters come from this book.

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