Died suddenly has become a widely used phrase on internet

3 years ago

1. Evidently, the term “died suddenly” has seen a rise in popularity in recent months, which could be attributed to users researching the term, or the term being more widely used on web pages.
2. Warning! Whistleblower Nurse Reveals Medical Tracking Code To Be Used To Hunt Anti-Vaxxers.· Nov 15, 2021
3. HE TRIED TO WARN US! - 35 Years Ago THIS MAN WARNED THE WORLD Of Mass Murdering Big Pharma! Jump to 2.30 to skip commersials.
4. Today on the Naturally Inspired Daily Clip Tammy Talks About: The net zero challenge and the new virus called climate change. It will be the next plandemic.
5. ZOMBIES: Vaccines are destroying EMPATHY regions of the brain, turning people into monsters. Might be DNA changes causing personality changes but more likely it's brain damage from toxins in the shot.
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