Blessed with fruitfulnesses!

2 years ago

decree that:
1. I am truly blessed with a fruitful life.
2. I am like a tree that’s firmly planted by streams of living water
with green, healthy leaves producing fruit in due season.
3. I am not anxious when there is lack all around me and when times seem difficult, because I am a fruitful vine, always
producing and bearing good fruit.
4. I flourish like the palm tree.
5. I continue to grow strong and upright in my life and faith.
6. I will still yield fruit in old age, and I will be full of abundance,
energy, and vitality because the fruit of righteous is a tree
of life.
7. I abide in Christ, and therefore I manifest the fruit of the Spirit:
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, and self-control.
8. The fruit I bear in my life is better than gold and the choicest
9. The fruit of Christ’s light in me consists of goodness,
righteousness, and truth. I am fully satisfied with good by the
fruit of my words, and the deeds of my hands return to me.
10. I am destined to bear good fruit because of God’s faithful love
for me.

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