Birth of Wendigo {Original Poem}

2 years ago

From greed of mine grandfathers enemy’s

And mine father’s hate,

Were sowed the seeds within mine mothers womb.

To take what does not belong, to devour that which is sacred.

No forgiveness for this sin, only punishment.

Only me.

I ripped mineself free from mine screaming mother.

The hunger dwelled, the desire for that which did not belong to me, and yet I took.

I devoured her flesh, and I grew. And still, the greed remained.

The children of man, though come from different mothers, still desires mine thirst.

But they fear to quench it, as they rightfully should.

Some do not, some fear not thy sins and follow me as siblings.

Tribe onto tribe

Brother onto brother

Daughter onto mother

All fall into never-ending hate, never-ending greed.

They born of never-ending hunger, but their true selves not shown.

Then I will show the world the Wendigos and make them walk amongst their own.

Based on my version of the wendigo legend.

Special Thanks to my Patreons!

*DeviantArt* :

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