2 years ago

The disease could’ve been contained, controlled, and conquered within a few months

It’s clear to anyone who can think for themselves – admittedly a minute minority – that the program to vaccinate everyone, young and old, is killing and/or sickening vast numbers of people, in addition to that which is caused by the disease itself. The impression that this is a deliberate depopulation effort is only strengthened by the widespread pretense that there’s…”nothing to see here, move along”.

Well, those of us who follow the always error-free, impeccably accurate (to be redundant) COVID information from the Plejaren, know that this tragedy is only going to increase greatly. We also know that had the information provided by Billy Meier not been continuously, ruthlessly suppressed, the disease could’ve been contained, controlled, and conquered within a few months.

But we also know something else, which is vital to understanding the situation: We’ve been warned, for many decades, that overpopulation is the core reason underlying virtually all of humankind’s greatest problems.

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