How Much Does It Cost To Build A Website For A Small Business @TenTonOnline

2 years ago

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Show Notes:

- If you'd like a tutorial to walk you through the process of registering your domain name with NameCheap (, take a look at How To Register Your Business Domain Name (

- For web hosting, Web Hosting Hub (, SiteGround (, and WP Engine ( are great recommendations.

- For your website's email, Google G Suite ( and Office 365 ( are top choices. If you'd rather go the encrypted email route, then ProtonMail ( and Tutanota ( are solid options.

- Online business guide (free download!): 7 Steps To Profits!

- Domain registration:

- Solid web hosting (with discount!):

- Business-grade email:

- Best email marketing service:

- Best website builder:

- Top web and marketing tools and services:

Support my work (thanks!):



how much does it cost to build a website for a small business

Let's run down the costs to set up your online business website. Note that these are rough numbers... so use 'em as a guide and adjust them for your own business.

To start things off, the first expense that you're going to have is your business's domain name. Your domain name is just the address to your website, like And you have to have a domain name for your this is a mandatory cost.

How much does a domain name cost per year? About $15 or so. Maybe a bit less. To register a domain name, I use and recommend NameCheap. If you'd like to see the steps involved, I'll leave a link to a step-by-step tutorial in the Show Notes below.

Next up, you'll need a place to store your website. And that's exactly what web hosting is for. Now, hosting can get confusing because there are a bunch of different kinds of web hosting and a pile of different options. So how the heck are you supposed to make sense of all this?

Well, there are just three web hosting companies I use and recommend myself. Think of them as small, medium, and large -- so depending on your needs, one of these will fit the bill.

I recommend you take a look at Web Hosting Hub (great if you're just getting started), SiteGround (middle of the road), or WP Engine (premium, managed WordPress hosting). Again, hit those Show Notes for more info on each.

Now in order to estimate your hosting costs, I'll assume you're just getting started and want to keep costs low. If that's the case, then we can budget about $6 per month or $75 per year. Not too bad.

The next expense you'll have is business email. Email is going to be the primary way you communicate with your customers and prospects, right? Now, having business-grade email isn't an absolute must. In fact, many web hosting companies offer free email with your hosting.

However, I always recommend to use a separate, dedicated email service for your business. In terms of cost, business-grade email is only going to be about $5 per email address per month.

So let's say you had two email accounts for your business -- maybe one for you (something like, and maybe one for your customer support (maybe That'll cost you $10 a month.

As for recommendations, I've been using Google G Suite for years (it's basically the "pro" version of Gmail). Office 365 is another solid choice. More in the Show Notes as always for you!

Now next up I'm assuming that you want to be able to accept payments on your website. After all, if you can't accept payments on your website...then you don't have much of a business website, right?!

In order to do this, you're going to need what's referred to as a payment processor or a payment gateway. These services allow you to accept credit cards online, handling the processing transaction.

There are a number of payment processor vendors available, like PayPal, Stripe, and


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