Dr. Kevin Stillwater Sets the Orange County Board of Commissioners Straight

2 years ago

It is fantastic to see doctors and scientists standing up and telling the truth. However, Big Tech, the left-stream media and Democrats are going to great lengths to censor and silence them.

Many have been fired for speaking out. Many have received threats of losing their medical licenses if they speak out. God bless them for courage.

Let me make this clear, any and all medical staff and scientists who choose not to speak out for fear of losing their job or medical license are complicit in the murders of the American people. Not only are the jabs killing people, severely injuring people, but also undermining people's immune system, leaving them vulnerable to whatever comes down the road.

Each booster further damages the immune system.

Anyone putting their job, their paycheck before the lives and health of their patients are just as guilty as those ordering them to do so.

The jabs are not the only evil parts of all-things Covid. So is the denial of early treatment that could nip the virus in the bud before it overwhelms the body. Most of the American doctors and hospitals choose to wait until people are so sick, they must be admitted.

Then the real poisons start and the hospitals make big money off it.

Why are the doctors and hospitals 'allowed' to do this? In fact, they are ordered to do it by our national health agencies.

This is the same gov't that mandated people in the early stages of Covid be turned away from doctors and hospitals WITHOUT any treatment, or even advice on home treatment - D3, C, zinc, quercetin.

This is the same gov't (per the NIH) that mandated people in the advanced stages of Covid who are admitted to the hospital be treated with Remdesivir and denying them ivermectin, even though the FDA has approved it for inpatient treatment. Ivermectin is much more effective in the early stages, but is still better in the advanced stages (at proper doses) than Remdesivir.

Several members of the NIH Covid Advisory Group, including 2 of the 3 co-chairs have financial ties to Gilead Sciences, maker of Remdesivir. Remdesivir was developed as a treatment for Ebola... it failed miserably. In 2019, the NIAID, through Fauci, paid for an Ebola trial to test 4 medications. Remdesivir was the first pulled from the trial.

It had a mortality rate of 53.1%.

Gilead Sciences was facing several lawsuits due to other harmful medications and had lost 10 of its top level executives, including the CEO over the previous 2 years. They were in financial trouble. Along comes Covid and Fauci and they see the way out.

That is why they rigged studies against hydroxychloroquine. That is why they banned early outpatient treatment for Covid. Unless people were sick enough to be admitted, they were sent home, no treatment and told to return if an emergency occurred, such as trouble breathing. By then, the virus had overwhelmed the body, making it harder to treat.

The NIH Advisory Group also mandates all hospitals treat Covid inpatients with Remdesivir and Medicare pays the hospitals 20% more when it is used. In just 5 - 10 days of use, 23% of the patients develop kidney / liver failure and 8% develop heart problems. When the kidneys fail, the body fills with fluid, including the lungs... the patients literally drown in the hospital beds.

So, Gilead Sciences got rich, members of the NIH Advisory group got rich and the U.S. now has 750,000 dead - massive numbers to scare the public into the jabs.

The RT-PCR test was also manipulated. It is not a test, it is a research tool - which the inventor stated repeatedly. It uses cycles to clone copies of whatever they are searching for. Per the patents, the no more than 20 - 30 cycles should be used, because each clone of previous clones becomes defective. The 'gold standard' the WHO recommended just 2 - 3 days after China admitted Covid was contagious used 45 cycles. That gives trillions of defective copies they used to claim asymptomatic people were spreading Covid. Up to 97% of the tests were false positives.

The fake tests, the murdered patients were used to justify lock downs, mask wearing (which is another scam), destroying businesses and jobs and implementing their tyranny, stealing the 2020 election.

Now Big Pharma is making billions and billions by forcing the entire world to take their jabs for a virus that had a 99.8% survival rate BEFORE the vaccines went public in Dec 2020. As had been predicted by doctors and scientists who have been heavily censored, those jabs would not stop people from catching or spreading Covid, but would damage the immune systems. Survival rates from Covid is now down to 99.6%, because of the jabs.

CDC/FDA knew TWO months before the jabs went public what the side effects would be based on the first 2 stages of the trials and other vaccines that use the same with adjuvants (preservatives, boosters, etc). NONE of that information is on the Informed Consent forms or the vaccine inserts - in violation of federal law.

CDC/FDA has known for 13 months the dangers of the jabs, but have been hiding it all along. Now they want to inject children 5 - 11. Read the following... then take action.


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